Hi all. Just planted this Kieffer pear tree. It’s about 4.5 ft tall. There is also one 10" side branch about 25" from the ground (my red arrow in the picture). It will get at least 5-6 hrs of direct afternoon sun. My preferred shape is open-center and shorter than 10’ but since this is by the eastern fence, I don’t mind it going a bit taller so as not be shaded by other trees between it and the afternoon sun.
So, what shape do you envision for this tree and where/when should the cuts happen? Thank you in advance.
If it’s on semi-dwarf rootstock I’d cut the central leader back to a strong bud that’s about 4 feet high. I’d personally leave the side branch, I might cut it back to about a foot, again to a strong bud. I’d make the cuts right away. Ideally you want to do it before the buds start opening and when the weather is reasonably dry for a couple days after.