I have 4 semi-dwarf trees from Cummins, which I trimmed when I arrived, and potted up in 20-gallon pots. Finally have the deer fence up, transplanting now. I went back to their website and read their “Tree Topping” direction.
Trees are budded out. Can I still top to 38"? They say to trim back branches to 3/4". Should I just top for now and wait for dormancy to do the branches?
I would leave the trees alone and let the existing leaves nourish the tree- maybe even tie or stake up the sagging branch. The less you prune a young tree, generally the better and cutting back branches by a quarter is old school- it is done during dormancy and , to my mind, is only needed with varieties that don’t send out much secondary branching, and not before the 2nd season of growth. .
I’m thinking if you remove the part with leaves the whole remaining branch may simply die.
Check out my article about pruning in the guides section.