Pruning grapes in late fall

I am going to renew my Reliance Grape next year. I want to remove both 4 years old arms and start pruning it different way that is better for my limited space. The question is, when to do it. I live in zone 5 B. Usually I prune in early spring, but to choose a time frame that is warm enough for a few days and still early enough is not that easy. Almost every year my grape “cries”. I know that back home in Russia the recommendation was to prune in late fall. On your experience, when is better to do that severe pruning?

I’d wait until spring. It might not better with regards to winter injury potential but very likely won’t be worse. I think you’d find commercial operations going with spring pruning not fall. Fall is OK with really hardy stuff like apples but even there I’d rather wait till spring.

The dripping that one gets in spring is nothing to be concerned about.

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Hi I too am in 5b. A big cut like that would need a few week of nicer weather to close up and not cause any problems. Best to do it in late April. good luck

Thanks, let it be April then.


I think grapes are pretty adaptable to what we do, even here in my colder z3 orchard. I’ve always cut out my just fruited canes in the fall but leave the rest of the pruning till spring. I went toward pruning later than recommended - in early June - after bud swell/break, when the hard frosts are likely over (hopefully), and I can easily see what buds survived. That works for me but you may not have that worry about late frosts. But I think the window for spring pruning is wider than the books often suggest. Grape vines are also so very nicely accommodating to our changing our minds! Something I’ve done often and they’ve always gone along with the “new design” without complaint. Hope yours does as well!

I prune my vine all through the growing season just to maintain some level of obedience. Otherwise, I hard prune in Winter for any training that needs to be carried out. I’m in warm dry California so your mileage may vary. This instructional video was shot in January:

Sue, thanks, this is what figured out this year. :slight_smile: I have concord and reliance that I both pruned wrong for few years, so I cut my concord to the ground level this year and reliance got all fruiting canes pruned in spring by mistake (I probably was out of my mind!) So both grew through it and flowered in July! So yes, they are very adaptable! From now on I’ll prune them with pruning tutorial in my hand.

Thanks a lot, MrClint!

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