Can anyone help me out here. I was doing some work on the farm and found this big old plum tree. I believe it is a wild American just want to confirm or deny if it’s a plum with the experts.
Can anyone help me out here. I was doing some work on the farm and found this big old plum tree. I believe it is a wild American just want to confirm or deny if it’s a plum with the experts.
I would venture it’s a native plum, once it fruit you can verify but the blossoms and the bark appear to be plum character. Where are you located?
I am actually studying natives and making an attempt each year to gain scion wood from different parts of the country. Starting a local plum thicket here with many native varieties as I collect
Kent, wa
BTW, P. americana is sometimes confused with P. nigra.
Here’s a list of Prunus species native to Northern America:
Prunus americana Marshall
Prunus andersonii A. Gray
Prunus angustifolia Marshall
Prunus caroliniana (Mill.) Aiton
Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.
Prunus cercocarpifolia Villareal
Prunus emarginata (Douglas) Eaton
Prunus eremophila Prigge
Prunus fasciculata (Torr.) A. Gray
Prunus fremontii S. Watson
Prunus geniculata R. M. Harper
Prunus gracilis Engelm. & A. Gray
Prunus havardii (W. Wight) S. C. Mason
Prunus hortulana L. H. Bailey
Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. Dietr.
Prunus laurocerasus L.
Prunus maritima Marshall
Prunus mexicana S. Watson
Prunus microphylla (Kunth) Hemsl.
Prunus minutiflora Engelm. ex A. Gray
Prunus murrayana E. J. Palmer
Prunus myrtifolia (L.) Urb.
Prunus nigra Aiton
Prunus ×orthosepala Koehne
Prunus pensylvanica L. f.
Prunus pumila L.
Prunus rivularis Scheele
Prunus salasii Standl.
Prunus serotina Ehrh.
Prunus subcordata Benth.
Prunus takesimensis Nakai
Prunus tangutica (Batalin) Koehne
Prunus texana D. Dietr.
Prunus umbellata Elliott
Prunus virginiana L.
I’m in southern Ohio. I have planted a lot of American plums over the last 3 years but this guy was clearly already here. He’s lucky I didn’t give him a haircut. Was cleaning up some autumn olive and junk invasive trees
with the chainsaw and he was growing in the mix. Let me know if you want scion wood next year. I’ll let u know how the fruit turns out
Hi Pete,
Did your native tree turn out to have fruit? Just curious if you could provide pics of what it produces. My p Americana cluster did well this year. I had mulched it heavily last fall with about a foot of horse manure and it really did well. Had to water a lot due to our dry summer, but we just gathered them last week.
Kent, wa
Hey sorry haven’t been on the forum in awhile. I didn’t get back in there to check it. We had a really dry year here spring and summer and it was covered up pretty heavily by some junk trees til I freed it up this year so unfortunately I didn’t get back in to investigate the fruit if it even held on through the weather
No spurs on that tree?