Purple Martins as pest control

Hmmm. Everything I know about Tree Swallows and Barn Swallows is they are exclusively insect eaters. Cornell Lab of Ornithology says insect eaters. I don’t know of any in the Swallow family that are berry eaters. I think you are ok with your berries. Only downside to Swallows (for some people, not me) is if they nest on your front porch light fixture they will poop on your porch. A small price I say to see the babies in the nest.


I read somewhere that purple martins mostly eat dragonflies, not mosquitoes. Since dragonflies eat mosquitoes, you may end up with more mosquitoes, actually. Tree swallows don’t eat raspberries. Enjoy them!


Gorgeous swallows https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Tree_Swallow/I this a hepfiul link Purple Martin Overview, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

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The link that Clark provided says that “Tree Swallows may supplement their insect diet with berries, such as fruit from bayberry and myrica shrubs.” so I assume that may mean other types of berries too. But I guess as much insect pressure I have here they should be happy gorging themselves on bugs.

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