I grafted on Bradford Pear (a calleryana), bent a few branches horizontal and got blossoms in year 2 or 3. Bending is magic.
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@PomGranny Moonglow in general is very slow to fruit. Callery rootstocks encourage fruiting very quickly in many cases. My warren produced very fast, i put off growing it due to all of the negatives i heard about waiting for fruit. The hardest thing is matching the right rootstock and tree. Some of my pears the wait is painful on callery like ayers, clara frijs, improved kieffer and so on. Others like harrow sweet, kosui , ya li produce pears the next year. Harrow delight, citron de carmes, douglas, duchess produce in 2-3 years on callery. Moonglow has never done well at my location but it does very well for others.