Raspberries for the south

They’re only in their third season, but my observations/recollections are:
Natchez - large cylindrical berries with small seeds, taste great. Didn’t push up very many canes, so cane losses to borers hurt. It’s a trailing variety, so the canes that do survive grow very long and produce lots of fruit.

Osage: Lots and lots of fruit! First to flower and develop fruit. good berries

Ouachita: Similar to Osage, but maybe fewer fruit and a bit later.

Von: The last to flower and ripen fruit. Haven’t had a good harvest yet as last year very few flowers developed fruit. I posted about that here last year. Von Blackberry This year they have an abundance of fruit, though not as much as the others.

I feel your pain with the JBs. They sure do have their preferred foods. Here roses are their favorite, then Romeo and Juliet, then blackberries, then grapes. I’m tempted to plant more roses a distance from my fruit with the hope that the JBs will feed there instead. With my luck that idea will backfire and it’ll just attract more JBs which will make even more for next year. :fearful: