Reasonable source of a single rootstok?

Hi mamuang,

I went back and tracked down the post. Here is the thread: Attempting Espalier with Two Super-Dwarf Apples.

I’m copying and pasting the pictures and reference info below:

The fence faces south and runs east to west. For reference, this is currently the overall arrangement:

East endpost: Edward VII
Court Pendu Plat
Post: Hunt Russet
Roxbury Russet
Ashmead’s Kernel (started to go downhill last year and unfortunately seems to be pining for the fjords) Update: It died.
Roxbury Russet
Post: Kidd’s Orange Red
Pitmaston Pineapple
Adams Pearmain
Gray Pearmain
Post: Black Oxford
Westfield Seek No Further
Wheeler’s Golden Russet
Westfield Seek No Further
Post: Black Oxford
American Beauty
Reine des Reinettes
Post: Kidd’s Orange Red
Orleans Reinette
Hoople’s Antique Gold
(G41 rootstock that I plan to graft to Orleans Reinette next year)
Post: (space for Claygate Pearmain that I grafted this year - hopefully…) Update: Claygate Pearmain graft took, hoping for a successful transplant this spring.
Cornish Aromatic
West endpost: Old Nonpareil

I extended the endposts this spring and moved a few things around on the outer panels (partly bringing in trees that I grafted last year). As you can see, I still have a few spaces to fill in and will probably end up doing some more adjustments down the line, but it gives you the general idea.

Here is a view looking down the fence from east to west:


Here is a view of a panel looking toward the street:


Here is a view of the same panel (I think) looking from the street:


I believe that is Black Oxford-Westfield-Wheeler’s-Westfield-Black Oxford. As you can see, the diamond pattern isn’t perfect, though you don’t notice it so much in person. I’m not necessarily going for perfection, but I’ll probably tinker with it a bit this spring, and I also have to do a little work extending/replacing some of the bamboo, especially where the trees are starting to outgrow the lattice. (Wheeler’s Golden Russet and Black Oxford have been among my more vigorous trees, Wheeler’s especially.)

Here is a view of one of the black locust endposts with part of the lattice under construction:


Here is a closeup that shows the bamboo tied onto the wire and the tree tied on to the bamboo:


And finally, just for kicks, here is a closeup of some of our first flower buds:


These are on Reine des Reinettes. There are also a couple on Wheeler’s and a couple more on the Blue Pearmain that’s in the fence that I’m working on in the back yard.

Note: As you can see, some of the panels are somewhat less than perfectly aligned. I think that’s just going to happen to some extent, but I did straighten out some of them. It’s not something you really notice if you’re just walking by, but I’m planning to make a little more of a concerted effort to straighten it out in the coming year.

Also, I added a second layer of bamboo supports to extend the framework up another level. I’ll try to take some new pictures to update in the spring if people are interested.