Received my rain tree order

I am very pleased with the packing and the trees.the EMLA 7 had great roots. I planted the three ohxf 87 and the EMLA 7 as soon as I got home tonight. I will plant the MM111 at the cabin this weekend.


I’m glad it all arrived looking good. Mine arrived late yesterday. I opened and checked it out today. The trees also looked good enough to me. I haven’t really checked out the root stocks, though. Planting will have to wait until tomorrow, possibly beyond.

I had a couple issues w/ Raintree last year, the biggest one being they let me order an Ashmead’s on M27, then came back a full week later to tell me they were out of M27. They said they could hold for next year’s order, or substitute… I wasn’t happy, but it happens…I get it.

So I ordered on MM106, instead, and they said they would just send that instead. Then, like a week after my stuff came, they sent an email essentially saying “whoops, we have M27, our bad…wanna order one?”

I told them no, I did not. They screwed up, and I ordered M27 hoping for early bearing as we had 2 near-teen kids who weren’t going to be around forever, and so given they actually TOLD me they were out, I took another substitution rather than wait a season. I also said I saw a number of recent complaints suggesting their business had gone downhill sharply in the last couple years over at Garden Watchdog, and given they had M27s THEY had missed, they could send one free of charge and shipped on their dime, or I would add my 2 cents pointing out their errors. At the time, I was flat-out pissed, and wanted to vent a bit–they DID mess up, but not catastrophically.

To my surprise, they sent an invoice the following day for an M27/Ashmeads, no charge to ship, and it came a week later.

They screwed up the first order, but I give them a lot of credit for customer service…I would order again…


Here is a photo of the EMLA 7

And here are the ohxf 87


Now in their permanent home.


Good looking rootstock those should turn into excellent trees

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Nice pear roots.

I thought so too, I planted them down part of the west fence. Now I just need to decide what to put on them.