I’ll see what happens…This is the first time seeing it flower in 2 years of having it potted… the apricot is a day behind and nectarine a few days.
Jan 18
That is soooo Early… but looks like you have it in a green house ?
Or are you located in Florida, southern GA ?
Peach Blossoms are just one of the best things about spring… Love em.
Below is a pic of one of my 3 varieties (Early Elberta ?) from LAST SPRING… this was 3/19/2020.
Much deeper pink than your Redhaven…
Last year mine set fruit, got almost a inch long, and on April 15 we had a 29-30 degree frost… and they all turned brown and fell off not long after. Hate that, lost all my Apples last year too after fruit set.
Hoping for a better year this year.
I’ve never really experienced having them ever. Yes this is very very early. They are in my greenhouse., I’m just outside Toronto, Canada.