Reed Avocado hit with frost. Can it be saved?

1 year old Reed hit with 29F last week. Looks pretty beat up. Should I remove the dead branches? Dig it up and start over?

I’d leave it for a month or two and see what happens. After a week or two pull the clearly dead leaves off. Wait and see if the affected branches put out new growth or die back. Unless they are just taking a while to show it, there’s plenty of green leaves left there. It’s only a year old, so you can still probably shape it however you want it. There’s plenty of time to kill it later if it doesn’t pan out.


I know nothing specifically about frost damage to cados but the little tree looks to have about half its canopy alive and functional. I would expect it to recover and the only think I’d to is remove all dead leaves and stems. Some stems may be alive that are holding dead leaves. they may be able to generate new foliage.

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It looks likely to recover fine, but as others said don’t remove stems until new growth emerges, avocados can surprise with stems that look dead recovering and pushing new growth.

Thanks for the replies. I’ll leave it alone and clean up stems that are dead in a month.

Sorry about your tree getting cold. Your view there is amazing.