Replanting near Verticillium Wilt

I lost my two peach trees to verticillium wilt last year. I hate the idea of not having my beautiful peaches anymore! I know I can’t replant peach trees in the same location but does anyone know how far the verticillium wilt spreads underground? Is it confined to the area of the roots or does it spread throughout the surrounding soil? I am wondering if I can plant peach trees on the other side of my 1/2 acre property or is this still too close?

The Verticillium may be widespread in your soil from a previous crop/plants that it infected. So it could be elsewhere than anything that infected your peaches.

I’m just speaking from very limited experience with cotton in Texas.

I believe it’s everywhere in my small yard. Lost 2 Redbuds and a cherry tree to it, judging from how they died.

I have no choice but plant nearby, approxinately anywhere from 10-80 ft away. If you can, you should plant new trees on mounds or raised beds.

Peach trees do not live long, If I could get 10 years out of mine, I am pleased.

Maybe look for a resistant variety?


Why not try planting with Mycorrhizae and Beneficial bacteria. I see alot of people not really have good results with beneficials but i wonder how old and how the products you guys are buying are stored? Its a live organism you would definitely wonder how they stored animals if you wanted them to be alive.

Trichoderma products are very effective at dealing with verticillum and you should get a mycorrhizae with endomycorrhizae as well as beneficials bacterias like B. Subtilus and B.pumilis