Result of homemade screen fruit protector

I was thinking that too. Brady

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the tulle sourcing. I just ordered some!



Hi Mrs. Gibson,

How big is your Montmorency tree?


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Looks like it would work. Looking forward to a report on how well it works.

Eight feet tall and ten feet wide. :heart_eyes:

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What is the fruit in the picture? Looks sort of like apples. Just curious.

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I read on the internet that hang bottle of ammonia on the tree will discourage squirrels, I am wondering if anyone has tried it before and does it work?

If anyone used the Tulle fabric and/or the copper mesh this year…could you report back about it. I’m thinking of using the Tulle fabric around small citrus trees to keep the citrus leaf miner moths away from them. And I’d like to know if squirrels will bite a hole in the copper mesh.

I used tulle and it did work well for small insects but squirrels made holes in it and got all of my fruit. I didn’t get to eat even one fruit. Next year I’m going to get a tube trap plus American netting brand nettings. I’m done messing around with them.

Squirrels bit through mt American netting, too. The good thing about this netting is that it is easy on trees. It does not really tangle with branches like the cheap kinds. So, damage on a tree is minimal when taking it off.

Bummer it doesn’t resolve the squirrel issues?mm… I guess tube trap is the only solution.

If you want to use it to protect against squirrels, don’t waste your money. It is expensive.

Netting is to protect against birds. Metal screen pouches works but not practical for a tree full of fruit.


Used metal screen door material fashioned into a bag. Damn squirrels riped em of the tree. Some they got into some they couldn’t but they still got them off the tree. Was super bummed.



Susu, look at the photos I posted earlier in this thread. Metal wire (aviary cloth) baskets will work if stabilized somehow so they can’t be ripped off the tree. It’s ugly, but effective.


I am writing to request permission to use your photograph of the fruit protected from bird damage by mesh bags in an online publication outlining methods that can be used to non-lethally control bird (rose-ringed parakeet) damage to agriculture. If you are open to granting permission please email me at and include your name for acknowledgement.
Please see the following link for examples of the publications: USDA APHIS | Wildlife Damage Management Technical Series.


Page Klug, PhD
Research Wildlife Biologist

USDA-APHIS-WS NWRC, North Dakota Field Station
Department of Biological Sciences
North Dakota State University
1340 Bolley Drive, 201 Stevens Hall
Fargo, ND 58102

Office: 701-231-5190
Mobile: 701-630-3776


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