Review - Copper Beauty tomato

I tried a couple new varieties this year. One has been excellent-a cherry tomato called Copper Beauty. Someone was selling some extra seed on FigBid and I obtained a few things to trial.
Copper Beauty is an elongated small tomato with green skin, sort of stripy. As it ripens the flesh turns orange which has an unusual color showing thru the green striped skin. The flavor is outstanding. What was surprising to me was how sweet with a full tomato flavor it has when the flesh is still green just before turning orange. This is a variety I will grow again.

The first pic shows 4 Copper Beauty tomatoes arranged from still green to quite ripe. All were quite tasty but of course the orange fleshed ones were best.
The second shot shows a ripe one sliced open.


This looks exactly like Bronze Torch from Johnny’s. I grow that one yearly now.