cool, I may give this experiment a try in the fall with American persimmons. I found this article about enhancing fruit to ripe early.
cool, I may give this experiment a try in the fall with American persimmons. I found this article about enhancing fruit to ripe early.
Last year I enjoyed a few “percinnamins,” which appeared to be a similar looking astringent persimmon that was treated to remove astringency while preserving a relatively firm texture. I found somewhere that they were actually unpollinated hyakume.
Does anyone who knows persimmon varieties think rojo brillante and hyakume might actually be the same variety?
are different varieties
Isn’t CO2 heavier than air? Couldn’t you purge the oxygen from the container by putting in some dry ice and allowing it to sublimate and displace the air?
You could do that before adding the persimmons.
If somebody tries this, please share your results.
Be careful with dry ice. If you seal a container with a large piece of it in there it will explode. If you keep a cooler of it in a small room with you it can asphyxiate you. When I was a kid the old timers used it for anything from carbonating soda pop to storing grain by removing oxygen from the container.
the variety of bright red(rojo brillante) persimmon is a Spanish variety of unknown origin, probably from a seed of a variety of asia.
this variety is probably the most widely grown variety in the world (at least in Europe) from the professional point of view that the bright red persimmon has exceptional features to market and then sell it in stores.
astringent persimmon is a very good size, it can sometimes be the largest weighing up to 500 grams (over giant Fuyu or hannaFuyu ).
It is a very productive variety and its fruit is very attractive, it really is not red but its interior and exterior color is orange.
it is also a variety that only has female flowering, fruit seedless so we guarantee and avoid the pollinate other varieties.
has a great conservation in controlled atmosphere can last from four to six months and also has few needs cold, less than 100 hours, can be grown even by the sea.
this variety is sold worldwide in two ways, as soft or persimmon very mature which has an exceptional flavor and as hard persimmon or apple, in this case I must say that being an astringent variety is not a problem but an advantage, astringent persimmon since are sweeter than non astringents, Hachiya or varieties as Saijo are sweeter than fuyu, for example.
For what it’s worth, I much prefer hachiya to roja brillante. I’m not a big fan of how firm roja brillante’s texture remains when its ripe. Plus it seems to have a milder flavor.
Now we go to point two since I see that people want to know how to remove the astringency of persimmon to eat them as persimmon or apple hard .
There are several ways to eliminate astringency (tannins) in the persimmon:
One of them is used by professionals using CO2 (carbon dioxide given) or N2 (dinitrogen), this method we will overlook because we need cameras with controlled atmosphere, although once I saw a Spanish do so using a barrel plastic and a gas cylinder used to make the foam in beer taps (but as we all have friends with a bar that let’s your best bottle forget this method).
Now we go to the second method is the method we use fans in Spain for ease (I have to comment that the photos are not mine, but I have caught a forum for Spain and this time the astringency was eliminated about Hachiya persimmon)
We collect the fruit of the tree, keep in mind that the fruit must be picked when it is still hard but next to mature.
then we need a pot to put the persimmon inside
below we introduce into the pot receptacles with some high-grade alcohol, how much higher the graduation of alcohol before will be ready the persimmon, can use whiskey, cognac, brandy, rum, gin or any other drink senior.
then place a box fruit inverted to prevent spillage alcohol and the persimmon not touch the liquid.
and persimmon are placed with flower looking down.
after we cover the pot
and put duct tape around the lid of the pot to prevent air or go outside alcohol vapors
past 3 or 4 days alcohol vapors have been removed from our persimmon tannin and then there will be astringent and can eat them like an apple.
sorry if a word or phrase is incorrect, sometimes the google translator translates badly.
Remember that the persimmon have to pick them up the tree when they are next to mature but still hard (during the process, they will add a point of maturity and are going to get a little soft, so you have to cojerlos when you already have everything is it so sugar but still very hard).
bright red when ripe is so soft or more than Hachiya.
what happens is that normally sells Hachiya when this soft and mature at 100% and the bright red is usually sold (because it is easier to market so) hard and in this case is ripe to 80% and their meat is still hard … but if left on the tree to mature at 100% then his flesh is soft and even sweeter.
in my country a phrase that says “to taste the colors,” if you ask my mother will tell you that prefer the soft persimmon, I like the hard otherwise used.
if the persimmon is very mature it is much sweeter, but I prefer to eat it like an apple, has a little less flavor but I like the crunchiness
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Could you send me a scionwood of the Rojo Brillante to the USA?
I have 2 places to try them in different climates! Thanks,
I have it…
Can you send me a scion wood next winter, please?
I can send you something as well.