NJ tea growing nicely
Figs coming along
And the latest addition, some cuttings of a nice tasting, everbearing Morus alba I found growing on an urban lot line.
NJ tea growing nicely
Figs coming along
And the latest addition, some cuttings of a nice tasting, everbearing Morus alba I found growing on an urban lot line.
Great thread! I tried figs a few years ago but they never made it past the first winter. I only tried 2 plants and I believe both were Brown Turkey Fig. I need to try again with a different variety (perhaps Chicago Hardy?). This thread really has me wanting to try and root my own… I may see what I can buy from someone in the Fall and try to root my own plants
Doing great! Thanks so much for sharing
I haven’t seen any new growth on my rooted fig cuttings in a couple of weeks. In about 2 weeks it put on all this growth and for the last 2 weeks it’s been just sitting there, no new growth at all. Should I pinch off the terminal bud?
I wouldn’t pinch off the bud unless you want more branching. It’s probably concentrating on roots, it’s almost impossible to not disturb them somewhat when up-potting.
Give it some time to recover, then you can probably give it a very dilute liquid fertilizer.
I didn’t up pot them. One started in the big 5 gallon bucket and the other two in the small juice bottle. They’ve been there since start.
Mine slowed down as well. They’ve pretty much stopped for the last week, one of them mid way through a leaf. I think they put on some growth, and are now using their photosynthesis capabilities to make more roots and build up reserves that they used up to get this far.
Got it, sorry, it looked like you moved from a cup to a pot. I should have paid more attention to cutting(s)!
It is not uncommon for them to stall for a period of time.
I know this isn’t a fig (it’s a sweet black cherry) but I feel that I might get some good advice from you all since this is similar…
I have these potted up and trying to root these cuttings. So far they are in a small room in my house with a constant temperature and zip locks on them. They aren’t at the moment for sake of pics.
When do I need to bring these out to some sunlight in the house and when do I need to take the ziplock off permanently? I have been keeping check on them and watering as needed. They have came this far til now.
Any and all advice is more than welcome as this is the first time I have tried rooting anything like this…
I would try gradually exposing them to light now. Those buds are in complete darkness (or close to it), it looks like, and they’ll burn if you move them straight to sunlight. As for when to take the bags off, do you feel any resistance if you give a gentle tug? If not, then they almost certainly don’t have roots yet and would need more protection from drying out. If they do seem to have roots, you could probably take it off now. The more the leaves grow out in the bag, the more gradually you’ll have to ween them off the protected environment. I have somewhat limited experience, though, so someone who’s done this more may tell you different.
How long have they been in the pots?Sometimes the top will grow on the life stored and not have root development.Is there a way to check,without disturbing them too much?Very cool if there is.bb
@Bradybb Been a good 3 1/2 weeks since I potted them and they just started showing signs of life probably a week ago? I have been giving updates to them in my Orchard Projects thread here Around Post reply # 75 was the first signs of life. No idea how to check without disturbing them though…
I need to move them to my front foyer maybe… It gets sunlight in the mornings and then the rest of the day would be indirect sunlight. My wife already thinks I am crazy for having these in the house Wonder how she will react to them being out in the house instead of hid out of sight
I will keep the bad on them for several more days and keep checking on them
Hoping to keep the updates going!
I am going to start with just leaving the light on it that room… Do you think that will be ok or would that still be to much light? Couple days of this or a day of it then move it to some indirect sunlight in the house?
You will need to acclimatize them slowly to a lower humidity environment, else the shock will likely kill them. I used to use 2 liter soda bottles as domes, but I lost almost everything trying to slowly bring down the humidity level. Now I wrap in parafilm or just let it go without.
Thanks One of the bags on the bigger one is loose and probably isn’t holding to.much humidity but the smaller one has the bag over the whole thing. Guess we will see how it goes
The light in the closet is probably not nearly enough light. If you have a shop light or something like that, you could put them under that for ~12 hours a day until they start to green up… As bright as shop lights are, it’s less than 1/8 of direct sunlight.
I put them in my foyer yesterday morning and it was cloudy then. So they got and will get indirect sunlight there (if it ever quits raining). I am hoping that by the time the sun does come out well then they will be use to it enough to be ok I also took the bag completely off the bigger one last night and pulled the zip lock up on the other. So maybe the humidity levels will be ok by doing this so slowly…