Rooting/Propagation 2025

Do you have these buried above the graft? I tried this on a micro level and they all died. I think some of the grafts took but I might have brought them outside too early.


No problem, Pedro. That’s why I was surprised yours didn’t root yet. They both root similarly. I rooted like 50 of them outside earlier this year in 4 cells. All I did was hose them down every day and got around a 90% success rate.

Mike may have rooted, but I don’t have a way to check it!! I wonder how many weeks until I see them at the bottom of my 4x12 pots

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blue elder modified heel cuttings


ninebark and red alder


About 5 weeks in. No, the graft unions are above the surface.

If you look at the before picture, you can tell which is which. Quite a difference, huh?


You’ve had success rootinng mulberry? I’ve read others have too. I’ve had no success with a dwarf ever bearing.

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One day when I grow up I want to be a skilled grafter like @murky lol. I’m going to try this year. Hopefully they’ll do well.

Still going to try to root everything I can from cuttings though, it’s what I’m used to.


They look great. Well done :clap:! I will try again this year.

Where is your dwarf everbearing from? It’s really easy to root them. I once threw some cuttings under my loquat for a chop-and-drop / mulch and some of them rooted lol. Here is the smallest dwarf everbearing I rooted, took about a week.

You can do it. You just need to start. After you do your first graft you will get hooked, especially if one takes lol. I would still be rooting cuttings but some varieties of mulberries don’t root very well and I just had to have them in my collection :smiley:.

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I root so many things year round that it perplexes me why I’ve had trouble with the mulberry. I’ve tried dormant cuttings, new growth, in the greenhouse, under a light, etc…

What do you mean where is it from? Where did I get it? I bought it from a lady in Northern California.

I’ll try whatever system you use if you want to explain it. I happen to have a bunch of dormant cuttings from my winter pruning.

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If you have experience rooting other things then I would say it is the variety. My method is literally sticking it in a pot of 50% peat moss and 50% pumice and watering every day. I can send you cuttings of my dwarf everbearing if you want to try, mine is from Dave Wilson and roots very easily.

Pakistan! But i accidentally killed it shortly after lol. Rooting hormone and heat mat.

Sprite cherry Plum

I was gonna graft it into another tree but then we decided we were gonna move so i stuck it in water and on the fridge. Now i might just pot it up as another whole tree in itself for myself

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I’d love some mulberry cuttings. Do you have other varieties too?

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I can root a couple small ones and send you them. If you’ve had no success rooting them, as others mentioned I’ve had no failures rooting them. I’ve not tried rooting them either, just stuck in a pot (dormant, active growth) no care, no rooting hormone. They all root basically can’t recall any failing. Pretty sure I have one potted from last year. Or I can send a few scions you can root, I always have plenty of cuttings of this tree since I prune it year round basically

Very important with hard to root varieties… that you give them at least a month… possibly more… on bottom heat with no light getting to the buds.

Then move them to a sunny/light location.

You have to have roots before they start pushing shoots leaves fruit… or you are headed for failure



Hopefully this year will go better thanks to some information I found on this forum. Years ago I tried a ton of grafts which all failed, but I didn’t know about prunus incompatibilities and in hindsight I think the couple apple grafts I tried were the only ones that even had a prayer. They didn’t work either, but I wouldn’t have given up on grafting after just two fails. It was the many prunus fails that left me believing grafting was a form of black magic lol. I’m still much more comfortable rooting and that eliminates a step since no separate rootstock is needed, but I’ve decided grafting is a must-learn for a fruit guy.


What kind of mulberry is it?

The dwarf everbearing that you were speaking about. I have a few others I’ve rooted easily also, but I carefully did those as I paid for the cuttings; so hard to say how easy they take.

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Is the Illinois ever bearing the only variety of mulberry that is ever bearing, or are there others?