Rooting Tomato

If you like to clone your favorite tomato is easy as pie. Cut the new shoot between a V crotch and dip in powder root hormone and stick it in a potting soil and place it in the shade. Water daily to keep the soil moist. In about 2 weeks you have a strong fast fruiting tomato.



I thought you weren’t supposed to use IBA to root plants like tomatoes. I wouldn’t think twice about figs, though.

I dunno know not using root hormone on tomato but I cloned five purple tomatoes that my wife likes and they all are flowering after 2 to 3 weeks.


I’ve had great luck even without the growth hormone.


I’ve never used the root hormone or anything. Just stick it in the potting soil and keep it wet. Even a large branch will root. It may look wilted for a couple of days and then it will come back to life and grow fast.

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One year before it frosted, I took cuttings of my tomato plants. I put them in water and set them in the window sill. They all rooted and I added a little liquid fertilizer . I left them in the water all winter and set them back out in the spring. They grew well and made a nice crop of tomatoes. I tried this again with a tomato that grew and really liked but when I put it in water they would just rot.

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Yes, I did it one year when I wanted to save on tomato seedlings. In the spring I bought several varieties, and I specially looked for the multi stemmed plants (3-5 per plant). I left only one and put the others in the water. They made roots and after that I planted them into the ground. After 2 weeks I had 3-5 times more plants than I bought. It is a good method if you are OK with store varieties.