I tried some sweet cherries & they were literally murdered by these miserable creatures, unlike attacks on any other trees.
I’m wondering if folks who deal w/ these little demons and also grow tart cherries have significant problems with attacks & decimation?
I was never sure if it was the sweet cheery leaves they were attracted to & the sugar content of the leaves or something else… But, I’m not doing tart cherries if these same problem exists with tart varieties.
P.S Does anyone dealing with them on ANY fruit tree or bush find success against them using Surround?
I 'm just a backyard guy. For me, birds are more challenging. Sour cherries require chlorothalonil early for leaf blight, then Triazicide after bloom. Sevin if I notice Japs are a problem and I think that is usually after harvest. After Harvest I hit the tree with Chlorothalonil again. (Its disappointing to see leaf blight make the tree go bald early.)
Japanese beetles will kill any/all of my trees (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) if I don’t treat them. They can eat all of the leaves in a couple days. I soil drench with imidacloprid in June and that seems to limit the damage.