I have seen many rose plants suddenly dying in the last few years. Any rose growers here that have noticed the same. Looking to figure out what is causing rose deaths. Does anyone know where to send plant material for disease testing?
The ones i lost were very robust, strong vigorous plants
leaves would droop and turn yellow like its not getting enough water
Then over a few weeks, several big/small branches would just die. Cutting back does not help
i checked the roots, ther is nothing but woody dead roots . The plant would go grom helathy, thriving yo dead within a period of 1- 2 months
i removed one plant from the ground and planted it un pot with fresh soil. Remove all dying/dead branches and cleaned the root in some hydrogen peroxide. The plant survived. If I had left it in the ground, it would have been dead by now.
I thought rose rosette was bad, this is far worse. I suspect nematodes to be the cause. Or even possible rose replant disease?
I will need to sent the plant and soil for testing. This quite sad for me for I love roses and I have over 200.
But now i am afraid of planting in the ground.
The roses lost, madame anisette ( this plant can grow to the size of smal dogwood tree), kordes roses(
Landlust, Savannah, earth angel, crazy love) etc several more
Pic is of rose leonardo da vinci…currently the process of dying.