Rossey x Thor Hybrid Persimmon PCA-Type

This is one that Donald Compton using a pollinator-seedling he named ‘Thor’ x ‘Rosseyanka’. It’s the only photo I have.

It is monoecious, having male and female flowers on the same tree; many-male flowers as shown when groups of peduncles in more than one gather from a single location.

It’s listed in England’s Orchard and Nursery Decemember 2022 Trees & Shrubs Catalogue

Thor x Rosseyanka hybrid persimmon


Looks a lot like his NGxThor

Got the first fruit off of it this year 26 brix


Very small looking fruit. How is the taste. Dv or Kaki?

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I don’t have any kaki for comparison but very close to Nakita’s Gift in flavor if that helps.