Morning from the uk ,
Looking for some information on the wild dewberry , I found this picture on google collected in Texas , do they range in size ?, these looked massive, also is there a variation in colours when ripe? ( purple, red? Blacks)
Many thanks Stewart
Frankly those look more like blackberries…ones I used to pick growing wild were more round than long usually…and it wasn’t uncommon for there to be a red speck or two (uneven ripening).
But, variation, yes, definitely, just as with wild blackberries.
Some melting sweet, some not so much.
Many thanks for the info much appreciated:)
This is what male flowers look like after petal fall.
Rubus ursinus from a hedge row down the street
Backyard berries
Awesome, many thanks beautiful looking plant and berries they still look a real nice size , I would be very happy finding them down a street not a species we have wild in the uk
Ursinus is not the only dewberry species in the USA . So yes different sizes for different species . Plus size varies within a species .
i have a dewberry that i got from rolling river nursey about 3 years ago. the berries are more round than blackberries but bigger than my nelson blackberries. the taste is richer but so far have been sparse producers. i plan to fertilize them next spring for the 1st time so i hope they fruit more. the canes spread far and wide so i let them run along the ground on the south side of my raised beds. the following spring , i tie them to a trellis i put on the back side of my raised beds for them to fruit. they are delicious!
Oddly had a dream of this last night round berries like mentioned edited out the detail, but in dream resembled cloud berries on one inch growth more
(and non edible wahoo fruit/seeds was in it by blackberry creek)
they are rounder and bigger drupes with less seeds than blackberries. tastier also. hopefully i get more this year.
Many thanks on the information very much appreciated:)