Same species of tree, or different? The one on the left is an American Beech, they are quite plentiful here. The one on the right is… Also an American Beech or something else?
So yeah, they are VERY similar… They happen to be growing about 2’ apart from each other. I noticed the odd one last fall and intended to take a closer look this spring/summer and had forgotten until today.
Thanks… I’ll try to get some pics of limbs/twigs/seeds or anything else that might help. I had looked at quite a few pics of hornbeam leaves and they certainly look similar, but just didn’t quite seem right. Same for a few types of elms.
Looking at the limbs and twigs and leaves today, it in every way is an American Beech to me. Except for the bark… It’s like a beech that had a bad case of acne when it was younger