I found this tree at work labeled as Satsuma Mandarin. I had to get it.
After doing some research I found out it’s a
China Satsuma S-6. I got pretty lucky! UCR says positive things about this plant and scored a
“very good” In fruit quality.
I have it. Mine is smaller, and only produced one so-so Mandarine last year. It is sprouting new leaves and blossom right now, so by next year I’ll have more information.
mine gave me only 1 last year as well. i wasnt expecting any as the tree was so tiny. i had to rest it against the glass of the south facing window i had it on to keep it from snapping the tree. so far its handling its fruit well and has put out alot of new growth in the last month. so has my Minneola which has 7 on it and gave me 5 last summer. they fruit at completely different times. both very tasty.
This Satsuma ended up giving it’s first fruit last year. I harvested it early Dec.
Perfect ripeness but no flavor yet. It’s abut to flower again. We’ll see how it does in 2025.