Hello. I notice the satsuma leaves on my 8 in 1 plum tree has leaves as shown in the attachment…anyone have any idea what causes this? The other varieties on the tree do not exhibit this symptom.
The splotchiness and the way the outer leaves are worse than the inner ones makes me think it was burn from either the sun or from something you sprayed on it… more likely the latter I would guess.
@scottfsmith i guess burn , given i didn’t spray anything on it and it’s only the satsuma leaves with this problem. The other varieties on the same tree look fine. Not sure if it makes any difference but this is 2 yr old satsuma on m2624 but i grafted 8 other varieties to most of the satsuma branches.
Hi Tubig,
I think one of my two year old grafts is Satsuma, but its ID label has been lost, so I am looking for other Satsuma growers who might recognize my one fruit I gathered today. I have other labeled Satsuma grafts but none other fruiting. So can you tell me if these pics of fruit and foliage match yours?
Pics of fruit
Pics of foliage the second is labeled so I know it’s Satsuma, and both seem to match your foliage
Kent, Wa
@DennisD this is what a friend’s satsuma looked like last year which comes from the same scion source as mine. It was mottled before it became solid-colored. I have one single piece of satsuma growing but it’s still green so will update when it hopefully ripens all the way. Will take shots of the leaves laster today.
I should mention,this piece was pecked by a bird and I’m realizing now how damaged fruits tend to be lackluster compared to optimum condition ones. Case in point, I had 3 northern sunset plumcots so far this season that were damaged by rain and or pecked by birds. All of them were barely edible and bland. One that was almost blemish free however, tasted much better. Another one from last year that was in perfect condition was a superstar and I rated it 9 or 10/10.
When you say “ mottled before turning solid red” was it speckled like mine. I had to pull this one today as I saw a squirrel had talken a bite out of it, so I cut out the bite part and we ate it just to taste our first and only one of this variety. I’m pretty certain it’s Satsuma, it has been gaining color daily so I was hoping to let it hang until the weekend.
And this is what fruit from my tree looks like today. Probably 2-3 more weeks needed on these still.
@Dennis I looked at a photo where I described it as “mottled” but it was inside a net bag and I couldn’t really tell in the pic nor can I recall. I have one single satsuma growing on the tree but still green now so I will update you if it reaches the stage whether it’s speckled or mottled. It also doesn’t have a pointed bottom as was last year’s.