Scaffolding question on peach tree

Hello. Just want to say thanks for all your knowledge over the years. I have read many threads on taking care of these fruit trees. :joy: my wife is always telling me “ all you do is stand out there and stare at your fruit trees”. Haha.

I have a four year old peach tree that I think is starting to crowd a bit too much. I just don’t know if I should remove some of the areas where the scaffolding branches split. Or if they’re even overcrowded in the first place, here’s a few pictures as always I love your thoughts and opinions.

Are scaffolding branches not supposed to split like this? Should I just see one continuous branch? if so, should I cut out the middle or the sides?


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“How To Prune Fruit Trees” by R. S. Martin. Copyright expired, in the public domain. The section on Training of Young Trees is excellent, as are the pages devoted to Peach.

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Your wife is right. That is exactly what we do! We stare at a fruiting spur forcing it to bloom and make fruit. The power of ‘orchard staring’!


:joy:. Haha