See that the Northeast is going to become Winter Wonderland!

Ouch. New York City is to get 8-12 inches. Y’all New Englanders be careful and take frequent breaks when shoveling the snow, Would not want any of you to have a heart attack.


We are supposed to get 5-8 inches. First real snow of the season. I’m happy because I know kids going to love it. They’ve been asking about snow since fall. I don’t think hubby feels the same way, he’s the one shoveling snow off the driveway :innocent:

no cross country skiing this year in Michigan! we had a good snow around Dec. 12, about 8 inches, I let it slide waiting for something better, and here we are, February 8, all brown and no skiing yet. But hey, I harvested 20 lbs of carrots during a mid-January thaw, together with collards from the hoop houses.


Having to start up snowblower to make sure it’ll start

2 years in a row now

Earlier today, the forecast was 5-8". Now it is 1-3" overnight and 8-12" tomorrow…

I think we are forcast to get your snow, grin. Latest forcast is for 20 to 40 cm, 30 being a foot.
Hard to say, it might stay more offshore and we’ll get much less. Putter off to Town today anyway, stock up, just in case.
Feed, groceries, tea, can’t run out of tea. Hubby is hoping for a snow day tomorrow, has awards banquet, and he hates those things, grin.

I’ll bake when I get home, incase the power goes out tomorrow, we’ll at least have bread.
Noticed some pear seedlings sprouted yesterday, can’t wait for them to come up :slight_smile:


Better now than in late March. After last year’s freeze out I am a little paranoid about warm January followed by cold Feb. and March.



No, a cold March is what we need- as long as we don’t go into extreme cold. Last year we had a mild winter like this one, but one Feb. night of -12F killed most peach and nect blossoms. Then we had a mild March that led to an early spring followed by another crazy single night of 17F when J. plums were in full bloom. We need only avoid going below -8 during winter and crazy hard frosts in spring and we will be fine. But I’m always nervous and especially nervous in the freaky weather that seems to now be the norm.



I was focused on the snow since we don’t see m to be facing below 0 temps now.

In my head end of March snow like we are getting now could be more problematical (as long as we don’t get heavy below zero until then) .

With warm winters, emotionally if not logically, I fear the threat cold in Feb and March more than the likelyhood that it will be a problem in April.

I also know that less severe cold can do more damage in April but am trying to be more optimistic about April.

Playing “dodge the bullet” in my head.



This snow is missing us, our winter has been mild, and it’s about time!! We have had the worst two winters ever, we are due for some relief, thank you mother nature! It’s my fault the bad winters, I bought fruit trees for the first time and we have record cold temps two years in a row! Murphy’s law, if it can go wrong, it will. Some of you are going to find that out today with your snow blowers! (trying to un-jinx you!)

Aren’t we all.

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We just missed this one, it was supposed to switch to snow in the middle of the night but didn’t. We got a lot of rain, though.

I’m in the 15 inch zone on the water.

Should help alleviate drought conditions

about 10" here so far in the City

Wow! It’s not hitting us at all, it’s darn cold here though for a few days and then another warm spell. I have heard many people with figs state that they have started growing Here it was close, but all remained dormant. I think I’m still good.

NYC warms right up to near 50F Monday…so i doubt the snow lasts long…along with some rain.

Cold and sunny here…i had 8F when i woke up. Actually not a bad day with very little wind.

Do you have snow? We have like a layer or crust/ice snow on the ground…its so hard you can walk across it. A lot of yards have no snow (south facing)…fields are pretty open now too. Its been a very “eh” winter. I think an hour north of here its been a more solid winter (lot more snow).

Extended looks very boring. Mild, but boring. Lots of upper 30fs/40fs… I think we’ll lose most of our snow pack that is left.

yesterday it was almost 50, today 16 inches of snow by night.I was going to winter prune ,now i’m not sure if my new silky will get here today.

The storm from NYC made it here to RI late this morning and really didn’t start until about ten am. Now at 1:30pm its blizzard conditions but the flakes are light and small mixed with ice. The trees are all glazed with ice! This is the scary stuff, as it is icy and wet and takes down power lines. We’ve already had out light flicker a number of times in the past two hours. There is almost zero visability, here by the sea. Glad I’m indoors, warm and safe. The snow will be too heavy to shovel. Time to bake cookies!

Stay warm Mrs.G Cookies sound good. Light snow here, north of you, blizzard expected later.

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