Seedling cherry

Here is a seedling sweet cherry, second leaf, last year it grew into a 36 inch whip. This year it is starting to feather, does it want to be an open vase?

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It’s good that it looks to be growing in an open enough area. You can probably give it a chance to form a nice structure. Is the plan to graft over it, or see what kind of fruit it makes?

Earlier today, I dug/pulled up 3 seedlings which were growing under my NorthStar sour cherry. At least I think they are seedlings. For now, they are in pots and I’ll keep an eye on them to make sure that they aren’t just interestingly placed weeds.


I bet they are seedlings because I do get them all around the area of my Northstar. I saw several this year.

You must be working a third shift to be out in the dark taking pictures! :grinning:

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I plan to let it fruit, but I am not sure what kind of a long term project that would be.

We went out with friends last night so I didn’t get in till late but I still had to check my trees :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually took a half day, so I was in the yard from early afternoon on. Too much grafting and planting to do at this time of year. The seedlings were something that I remembered right before I went in. Like Scott, I think I need to get a hat with a headlight.

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