Seedling peach

Here are a few seedlings, bearing for the first time. :slight_smile:


peaches in P.E.I! outstanding! my reliance set 1 fruit and a friggin’ animal/ bird stole it! thought it was in there far enough but someone found it. is that from just a random pit from the store?

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No, several generations of my own peach stones…if it sets fruit here and survives several more years, it gets to be a parent. I had reliance, harrow beauty, harrow fair, redhaven etc…but bad winters took them all. Any that survive, become parents and the survival rate goes up a lot. :slight_smile:


Sorry something got your reliance after all that anticipation of watching it grow :slight_smile:


Wow that top one is loaded. How old is the seedling?

I just found a nectarine tree in the tree line right along the road at my house. Its from a fruit I ate while driving out of my driveway cuz I throw the pits out the window. Only got to taste one, some gummosis on the fruit but I only discovered the tree for the first time when I picked it. Ill try to transplant in the fall.

Those look super clean, do you spray them with anything? For whatever reason the seedling I posted had way less pest damage than the grafted varieties that fruited this year for the first time


Your nectarine looks tasty :slight_smile: Definetly worth transplanting. Yah, I spray with copper sulfate most springs…somewhere between early and late bud swell…before green tip
Grafted ones are slightly stressed by the grafting process, and in a marginal area like PEI, seedlings last longer. Seedlings can be pretty variable, many tiny fruits, VS a few huge ones, but any tree ripened peach is so much better than grocery store ones that it’s worth doing :slight_smile:


I think the oldest one, the loaded one, is 4…maybe 5. The rest are a year younger. Older ones here look ratty with cold damage and lifespan is about 10 or 12


We have had many seedling peaches crop up because my wife cans peaches and I throw them in the compost, which then goes in the yard. We’ve been eating yummy peaches off of one of them for years. Some years, you don’t get many. But this year, we’ve got some good ones.

John S


Nice to hear from PEI. I’m 45 minutes across the bridge in NS. Moved here 5 yrs ago and brought 5 peach seedlings grown from seed. Three have produced good fruit, Ripen Au. 15(extra juicy & sweet) Se.01 (Firm canner type) Se 15(all around great taste but on smaller size. Last 2 trees have small hard fruit and will try grafting them next spring. Since then I now have another 15 in the ground started from the Se. 15 tree. Have not had much winter damage yet in 5 years but lost all the flower buds last year. So far not sprayed and fruit quality is pretty good but this may change over time.

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my stepson moved to Dartmouth, N.S 5 years ago. we’ve been there a half dozen times. beautiful Provence! the coast looks a lot like Maines.

Sounds good. For me, grafts die unexpectedly, and seedlings last longer. The root stocks might not have enough dormancy for here.

i thought it did but i went out there a few days ago and found it on the ground. it was so thick in there i didn’t see it. it was a little over ripe but still better than any store bought. will plant the seed out this fall and see what comes of it. a classmate of mine has a contender full of fruit the next town over. Shes also planting out the pits. also got 6 Siberian peach pits i grew out from last year. they’re about a meter tall. ill be putting them out next spring. supposed to be the most hardy peach out there. also planted out some Manchurian apricot seed i got off Esty.

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I had manchurian apricots but i;s damp here and bacterial wilt took them.

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its pretty wet here too so mine may suffer the same fate. at least if its from seed it hurts alot less if they croak.

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