Seedlings You're Growing

Stuewe still sells a 4" x 8" Pioneer pot but it appears they don’t sell the carrying case/flat. You must have the round ones that are discontinued then?

I like that square PP48

At this point I’m a year from ordering anymore, but glad to see this option.


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I have those, the PP48. They’re selling off the remaining inventory.

I like those ones because they were about the same size as an Anderson band pot, but they have root pruning on the sides as well, not just the bottom.

They work great for oaks, redbud, and blackgums, i’ve also used them for Metasequoia. I would imagine they might even work for fruit tree rootstocks.

They should work well for anything that grows to a decent size in the first season, especially with a strong taproot, and would also work really well for things like hickories, pecan, and walnuts.

The apparent replacement is something called RediRoot.

They look decent enough. I have so many pioneer pots sitting in my shed that I don’t really need them, but if I ever do I might try these.

Those look pretty good.

Should you want to sell any amount of your Pioneer pots, please let me know.


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If only we had a tropical environment


My few seedlings waiting patiently for spring/summer to go in ground. Mothers are my Shinseiki asian pear and Toka plum. [IMG_0222|690x920]


This year’s pawpaw seedlings coming up since 10-12 days ago. These are the ones @Lucky_P offered and I planted a 100. I’m really liking Deepots from Stuewe & Sons. These are 14" long pots.

And last years attempt at growing persimmons seedlings in 1/2 gallon grow sacks bought from eBay. I thought I’d get tremendous growth but it was laughable. Now they’re potted in plain old gallons and are for me so I’ll fix the roots at planting time. These are all seed that came from Jerry Lehman’s orchard when I got the opportunity to meet Jerry during the Fall of 2017.

Sure is fun to have this stuff.



I was looking at those same pots for pawpaws. I like the rack and shade system you set up.

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Do you sell these or grow them out? Would to see an updated pic 5 years later. Would you graft onto them on grow them out true to seed! Thank You

I grew all of these out to see what the nut quality would be. Some have produced some good nuts but most are still in pots and not yet producing nuts.

These nuts are from one of those seedlings that is still growing in a pot but it became rooted in the ground and is now over 12 feet tall -


wow awesome. So pretty much expect over 5 years until you possibly can see any chestnut growth.

The average time for first nuts is usually from 4-6 years. It can be shorter but it can also be a lot longer.


Thank you for your help!

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Open pollinated guthrie plums and arctic frost satsumas to keep me busy until the persimmons are done stratifying.