Semi Early peach variety Segre

Hi guys.
The extra-early peach and nectarine varieties are not my favorite, since they do not offer the size, flavor and sweetness that I like, so the Segre variety is the one I start the stone fruit campaign with.
It was harvested this afternoon and for a semi-early peach variety it is very good.
Here in Spain, this type of yellow peaches with firm flesh and very aromatic are called “pavias”, I think that in the United States, this type of peach is called “canning peach”.

Being a semi-early variety, it does not have the caliber of later varieties, but it is a very good peach for mid-June.
When you see the brix level for a peach in mid-June, you will understand the importance of Potash applied at the beginning of the ripening period, and the irrigation deficit at the end of the ripening period (fruitnut , has always advised this practice, since it increases considerably sugar levels)

Some Images value more than thousands words :

  • Pavia Segre

My employee Ray harvesting peaches

Best regards