Sete capotes (Campomanesia guazumifolia)

So for sure hardy to 20 Fahrenheit. That’s rather chilly. How did they fare? Was there any burned leaves or dead branch tips at that temp? Or did they breeze through the cold snap without stress?

As you describe it the tree should be plenty hardy for zone 9. I feel like zone 8 could be slightly more problematic. But the only way to know for sure is for people to plant them and see how they do. I’m excited to give it a try!


I want to say it had no damage at all he said

Hi. The tree never loose the leaves. In winter on coldest temp the upper leaves and twigs get burned but not all tree.

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He says -6.5 Celsius causes mild leaf burn and some branch tip death. So definitely hardy to 20 F. Of course any zone can sometimes go lower than the stated temp range. Given what kind of damage he describes it seems likely it would survive at least zone 8b and possibly even lower.

On a side note, do you grow jabuticaba too? If so, what have you discovered is the best cultivar for cold hardiness? I’d like to also order one of those from Bellamy Trees.

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It will be a while before I test it. I’ll probably protect the one I ordered until I can clone it. I seem to remember you saying that cuttings root quite easily.

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I have a hybrid red from Adam at flying Fox and a regular cauliflora, but both are in pots. I do however plan to put one in the ground perhaps one day. The issue is keeping them moist enough to be happy without freezing during the winter

Yes thats what i think…

Any updates? I have some seeds that I scarified and soaked on 6/17/24. None have come up yet. I have them in plug trays in the greenhouse, watered twice daily. No shade cloth. New Orleans. Zone 9b.

None of my seeds have sprouted yet either, thinking about digging in the pot to see if any roots have popped out.

I have been allowing my pot of seeds to get pretty dry between waterings, because I saw someone theorize on TFF that this species may require a period of drying out to germinate. But nothing for me either.

I usually try to resist that urge because there have been a couple times when there were roots, but I killed the immature seedlings by disturbing the roots.

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My little seedling however is starting some multi-trunk branches I’m pleased with that

When did you start yours?

Ordered it from Bellamy Trees. Not sure if they still have them but when I saw germination rates/times I snagged one when I noticed they had them.