Shinko Asian pear

These Shinko Asian pears are huge and real sweet this year due to major thinning.



Those look awesome. My Hosui pears looked pretty good, but not THAT good…


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Wow, they look heavenly. How do you store so many fruit?

I wrapped each fruit with a plastic food wrap and stored in the fruit refrigerator. They can last for 4 to 5 months.



I may need a fridge for fruit only, too. Man, growing fruit is expensive!!!


Can anyone tell me whether Shinko is any more fireblight resistant than other Asian Pears. Last year I had my very first total tree loss (kill) due to fireblight. 100% sure fireblight was the cause, and it killed it in phases until it finally got the whole tree (I think). I’m not certain what variety of Asian Pear it was because it was actually a mislabeled pear I bought to be a Euro pear. I forgot to order a new Asian Pear this year and hate to put in a full order just for one tree, but last night at a local store I trust which sells Freedom Tree Farm Trees I found a HUGE, beautiful potted Shinko pear tree for $12.99! I’d like to hear if anyone thinks it would make a decent Asian Pear here in fireblight heaven! ha. Thanks.

I had Shinko for 3-4 years. No issue. I removed it due to the quality of the fruit, small and bland.

However, other people from other areas away from the east coast love it, though.

Maybe, I did not give it sufficient time to mature and round into form.

Shinko is supposed to be blight resistant,
I recently planted some for that reason

I noticed in some old posts that you had said you were not happy with it, which really disappointed me! However, as you say, others in other locations seemed to be very happy with it. So like many things we all grow, it seems to work well in some places and not so well in others!

Thanks, @Hillbillyhort, that is great news!!! In fact, I’m going to take a long lunch today and go buy that big beautiful potted tree before someone beats me to it! Fireblight is such a strange disease. Some years it hits me hard, other years it barely strikes- even on the same tree. But in my experience it doesn’t follow any discernible “rules”. For example, I read that it is supposed to be worse on years with a wet spring but the worst year I had it was in an unusually dry spring. Same thing with other factors that supposedly make it worse or better. It just seems to act completely at random! Oh well, maybe I’ll figure it out before I die, meanwhile I’ll just try to buy more resistant trees! Thanks again.