Show Off Your Figs and "This year Harvest"

They’re all like candy. I have three Brown Turkeys, one Black Mission, and one Chicago in the Nashville area. My wife and I have been harvesting browns for two weeks. So far we’ve harvested about 30 pounds from just the Brown. Made two rounds of jam. Delicious. The Chicago is starting now. It’s a younger tree but has lots of fruit on it. The Blackie is a little slow but will come along in the next couple of years. Two of my Browns are planted in places that don’t have enough sun; but I am loath to dig them up and move them. One of those Browns has three low branches that have rooted and will be planted in more sunny spots this fall.


I can’t keep up with my figs. I dehydrate this many on a daily basis.


Looks delicious…and they nicely match your rug.


@Sharbecr … so your brown turkey ripen a couple weeks b4 your Chicago Hardy. 30 lbs sounds like they are good producers too.

Do they taste much different than CHF ?

Do they produce long (like 3 months) like my CHF ? Or are they over and done in 2-3 weeks like the LSU varieties ?

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Last year my LSU, GOLD very big but too bland for me,just make sure they are over ripe. Have to wait another 2 or 3 weeks for this year batch. It’s one of those you really not looking forward to, if you have a slew of much better ones. Are they on the chopping block? Of course, furthermore they are growing in a prime spot in my yard.

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I’m still harvesting both the BTF and the CHF, TNHunter. I have four figs on the south side of our house. So they are protected from the winter winds. One is still tiny and already producing a few figs. It’s been in the ground for three years.

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My CH Fig in on south side too… just off a tall brick wall, ground there slopes to the south too… full sun all day…

This spring I limited it to 10 total shoots… and several of those are approaching 10 ft now… fig at each leaf… doubles at some.

This pic was from a couple weeks ago.

This is yr 3 for it. I am impressed.


That looks fantastic! I have not limited mine to any number of shoots. Sounds like a great idea though. Does it render bigger fruits? As you know we have a lot of heat this season. I’m expecting the second round to ripen before the cool fall arrives. Not on the same subject but I’m also propagating some Highbush Elliott Blueberries this season. I took cuttings, dipped them in rooting hormone powder, and stuck them in wet sand. I covered them with a clear plastic dome and put them on the north side out of the sun. That was last month and they are all still green with their leaves still attached. Not sure if the next step. If you know someone who can advise me please let me know. Hope you have a great harvest if figs.


Limiting the number of growths can improve fruit set, makes picking easier, and also gives the figs more air and sun so they will be better quality.

Size seems to be more related to the position on the tree, figs that are growing on secondary branches tend to be larger.


First year we got 25 figs… year 2 … 75…
This year - yr 3 - 200 or so looks possible.

Last year pretty sure my figs started ripening earlier… but I only has 3 main shoots… then 2 more later ones, smaller.

It had to come back from roots last spring… so it got a later start… but still 75 figs in year 2 after come back from roots.

Last winter… I successfully protected 5 stumps cut off at 2 ft tall.

This spring I let each of those 5 stumps send up 2 shoots… there were more… that I removed… just looked like tooo much to me.

I had to steak and pull out from center to get sun to all those 10.

My figs size wise this year … a bit larger than a golf ball… for most so far.

There is one that is ripening.

There is a leaf node with double figs.

I have a few of those… this is first year doubles have shown up.


Sorry, off topic but I did not know how to pm Brent.
Brent do you allow visitation to your fig farm.

Unfortunately I will be recovering from a broken hip for the rest of the season and can’t take on any new commitments. Maybe next year, although I can’t make any promises.

If you have any growing questions for me this is a good time to ask though since I have more down time than I normally would.


My fig trees transplanted in June are continuing their recovery. But my 2 figs are stagnating. I assume they should turn brownish when they are ready.


Thanks Brent well I’m brand new to figs amongst other things I have a small farm in the Catskills of New York zone 5B and recently started growing Chinese chestnuts pawpaws persimmons apples and pears and received cuttings this winter and started about 40 fig plants. I also have a few seedling jujubes. So my goal was the more rare fruits that you don’t find every day… maybe a limited you pick I don’t know.
So regarding the figs the only two varieties I know for certain are Chicago hardy and A132 aka Bo ji hon… Bo Derek red… The other two varieties the one the guys going to get back to me on and then the other is just a yellow fig that does have to crops. So I have a million questions but in zone 5B would I even consider doing anything like you’re doing or do one like Tim in Pennsylvania is doing with the climate battery in hoop house.

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@RubyTue … my CH figs do turn brown as the ripen… as do some other varieties…

But I have seen some varieties… I think mostly sugar or honey types… that do not brown when ripening.

Some stay very green or turn yellow…

I think it is mostly the berry flavor type figs that brown.


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Thanks! Guess I need my fig giving friend to enlighten me about these. :woozy_face: Ive been following along and kinda of assumed they were a variety like CH.

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We picked and ate this one after dinner just now.

I have been bagging mine once they first turn brown… and that keeps the ants wasp jackets hornets off… while they ripen. Notice how clean and perfect it is. Bagging during the final ripening stage works well.

It was ripe enough, very good… one more day or half day would have been better.

I have 10 shoots on my CH Fig… and took the time to count the figs on two of the shoots earlier.

One had 28 the other 32.

They are still growing and setting fruit…

Could get 300+ this year.


Lots of wild Turkish fig seedlings.
Grew from seeds.


My figs are enjoying the rain today after a week and a half of no rain. Hopefully, they won’t split.


Damn, that’s a helluva find!!! :drooling_face:

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