Please post your ripe figs pictures and Variety name with date of harvest your zone and location. This way we will have some ideas about when a particular fig is ripening.
Yes all of my figs in pots. No head start inside and yes stayed dormant all winter but I have put these outside exactly on March 22nd this year and these are at least about two weeks ahead from last year.
I have documented whole process in my other post please check link below and read March 23rd 2019 post.
Letizia 8-4-19, main crop, Zone 6b, Ottawa, Kentucky
This is the second main crop fig of the season. First ripened on 7-31-19, also Letizia. Letizia now lives in ground but set these figs when still in a pot. First overwintered in-ground to ripen will be Improved Celeste; two or three should be ready tomorrow. One is also swelling on in-ground Hardy Chicago right now. Not much in the way of brebas here, save one from Papa John a couple of weeks ago. I nearly overlooked it: it was about the size of a nickel!
Florea is kicking them out, ants can’t even keep up with them. Expecting to begin dehydrating next week. Along with one Tatnall (Sicilian) Red breba.
August is the fig month at my place. Some varieties start ripening main crop in the last week of July and some continue producing into the fall, but the peak is August. Figs from multiple varieties collected each morning.
Improved Celeste 8-6-19, main crop, Zone 6b, Ottawa, Kentucky
First main crop fig from an overwintered in-ground. Two larger ones were almost ready, but need to hang for another day. Tender and sugar-sweet. I want some more!
I agree with you and must have for all zones. Improved Celeste is very underrated fig due to easy availability. My last year harvest in August was sweeter then sugar.
I’ve got an issue there. I can’t eat that much fruit because of digestion issues. And there are so many to taste and they vary a lot depending on conditions. But it’s hard to beat Black Madeira, Craven’s Craving, Maltese Beauty, or I-258. But many of the new ones I have are just as good or better depending on the day.
Yes that is Robert’s Golden Rainbow. Those are the first fruits I’ve eaten and I think over watered. The interior had a unique taste that I really liked. I’m going to try to draw the water down for some of the later ones. It’s very vigorous but sets like crazy. This is a graft done in March or April. Set on the first node from the graft and every node after…!!