2021 Buds, Flowers and Fruit!

Salavatski pomegranate, it is growing good but I know it will get fungus.
If anyone figure out effective fungus treatment please share ?


They are beautiful. They look even more beautiful in real life in your garden.


@blueberry - thanks

@Naeem - you grow so much so well…

My CH Fig this evening. So many figs… none ripening or sizing up yet… but so many… slowly getting larger. I may have to look into preserving some… fig jam ? Dried figs ?



or could send me your extra! :wink:


The rain hasn’t been good for the fruit trees but these yellow dayllies are extra large.


@TNHunter Thanks! You are growing so much and very good I am really impressed.
I will train my tomatoes double stems next year like you are doing and want to do corn too but I do not have a space.

Here is the link for the figs post I started while back you may look, I am updating all my figs in this post.


It was hot and the animals were hungry so we picked everything earlier than the supposed harvest date. Turned out they know better than we do, because everything tastes great.

Canadice grape: small but very sweet, very pretty
Himrod grape: sweet and a little tangy, very good
Sugar Twist: very good crunchy or soft
Fortune plum: firm, sweet, a little sour but thin skin, very good flavor

Kelsey plum: The green one is still a little bitter. The other was very good, firm but juicy and sweet, the thin skin is a little sour. Very good plum. The last few years we waited until they were soft and sweet, by then the texture was like baby food and they ended up in the jam.

The new Era apple was having some heat stress so we thinned a few. Even for the very small one the skin is not bitter, the flesh actually gets more sour on the bigger one. They are good in a little salad, with lettuce and tomatoes that are surprisingly still alive under the hot sunlight.


And if you didn’t know, daylily buds, blossoms and also the root ‘nodules’ are all edible.


Here is my Peach number (1) multi Grafted Redhaven, Veteran and Frost. Redhaven peaches shown are about 10 days away . I did thinning twice and still left too many :upside_down_face:. Tree is touching to the ground and I have to reshape it next year.


I too am impressed with your two stem tomato growing. Would you be willing to start a thread next spring showing the rest of us how it’s done? The wire cages I’ve been using just don’t cut it.


Those look fantastic., Tell us how they taste!


@chinook - earlier this spring I did start a thread on tomato growing tips.

You might check it out below… It includes details on what I do to get earlier tomatoes, and that cattle panel trellis too.

Hope that helps.


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Well… you know what that is… that one still on the tree is my last Early Mcintosh apple… it should be ready in a few days.

So this Early Mc apple… ripened fruit from June 10 until something like July 20 depending on exactly when this last one is good and ripe.

There was never a whole lot of them ripe at the same time, they just sort of trickled in… I like that.

I do have some in the freezer from this year in apple/blackberry jam. But that one on the tree is the last one… I will keep a close eye on it and make sure and savor that taste one more time this year.



Thanks I will report back in a week or 10 days.

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Squirrels or Rabbits or -------- ?

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Either way @Naeem … I would eat his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Pay back.



First fruits on my Red Ivory mango tree. I doubt they will take but it’s great to see her fruit so early… :blush:


Squirrels? They stripped my Ambre nectarine potted tree of every fruit and the things were green and rock hard still. They are also stripping a donut peach (green/rock hard) and a another potted peach. They are eating the seeds. I’ve never seen this before. Traps are set and ready.

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I think squirrel

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My one and only peach seedling tree. Need a few more days.