Looking for some ideas to shape/train figs to be productive in pots. Post your trees with a brief caption on your method. Thanks.
Im using this method were u root them cuttings in the pot you are growing them in, let them grow for a few month and attack/semi destroy the cutting above ground, forcing new fresh shoot from roots, which somebody told me that would be more aclimatized to the potted condition. Im trying it out but this is the first season for the new them so no results in fruit till summer yet
“Prune”? Heck, I’m lucky it’s alive.
‘Brown Turkey’ fig impulsively bought at nursery even though I live in Z6. Potted with homemade potting soil composed of wood chip compost, ‘Turface’ baseball Diamond gravel you get at landscape store and probably a couple of big handfuls of peat moss. I can’t remember.
Over 7’ tall now.
Surprisingly nice indoor plant parked next to a big window.
It summers outside after I judge that danger of frost has passed.
I would say 80% of the figs last year were tasteless. I’m hoping that it’s a lack of Phosphorus rather than a lack of sunlight or heat. It’s never been repotted so I figure it’s a hydroponic plant now so I give 1/4 teaspoon of hydroponic fertilizer dissolved in water per week during the season.
It’s important to leave it outside after the cool weather arrives if you want fruit. Turns out that it really does need that 150 hours or whatever of winter chill. I leave mine out until they start predicting lows in the mid-20s. No need to risk die-back. The year I brought it in early it did thrive though, so it’s optional.
Will take pics tomorrow!
Figs often lean or grow in crazy directions. I let them go and sometimes prune to make better shape.
This one had three scaffolds and was beautiful. I lost one of them but the two scaffold system worked fine. Hard to see it’s a 20 gallon and too hard to move just for a photo. Bark is white, follow the bark.
Most are in crazy shapes. I’ll prune to correct as best as possible.
This one I’ll cut that right sccaffold off once it fruits
Another angle to show the small scaffold on the left. Looking right down that right branch
I have about 30 more……
thanks, its nice to see how well you’ve grown them in a 10 or 20 gallon bags.
Nice to see those strawberries growing out of cracks. coming back figs, I found this pic on ourfigs, VDB in a 5 gallon bucket with 82 figs (as claimed by the poster). Is it training or pinching that makes more figs less blind wood?
I’m not sure? I don’t pinch. But it would keep them bushy as time goes on. They only fruit on new wood so however much they grow will determine how many figs. Some years early freezes and frosts slows them down and reduces production. Like tonight we are supposed to have a frost. It can set you back, a freeze is much worse. Pinching slows them down too, I have Mother Nature for that. I prefer not to do it on purpose.
Drew, when do you prune your figs. Mine will need repotting next year (one will).
I like to do it while dormant. It’s easier to see structure. Usually I wait as long as possible late winter but I have collected scion early winter. So while dormant at least.
this writeup mentions potential for growing figs as annuals and using aggressive suppression of apical dominance to increase fruits. perhaps this has to be adapted to cooler climates in some form of green house. thoughts?
Do you winter them outside in the grow bags etc? Or do you move them to a shed/garage?
I keep my figs in a garage that is attached and stays fairly warm.
My currants stay outside all winter in fabric bags. I have many in ground too.
Right now
the large fig on the left is a Rond de Bordeaux, the smaller but almost taller is new last year, it is a longue d’Aout. They have both grown so quickly. I will have lots of figs from the rond de bordeaux this year.