Show your sauerkrauts

The crockpot is not too dissimilar, from what the Proto Slavic people used thousands of years ago somewhere on the border between Ukraine and Poland. The cabbage slicer is made in Slovenia with Slovenian Beachwood, with hand mounted German stainless steel blades

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Impressive wood work. That crockpot you put your cabbage in looks so much like the container that Chinese use to make fermented /pickled veggies . I will take a picture to show you tomorrow

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Looks so good!

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This is the crockpot I bought from a local Japanese store.
I use it to make fermented veggies that require no oxygen during the fermentation process
Don’t you think the principles behind these crockpots design is very much the same even though Europe and Asia is miles away


Yes. They appear to have a one-way valve for gas, in the case of my Polish crock. it is a water filled moat at the junction between the lid and the basin, which permit escape of carbon dioxide produced by fermentation, but prevents retrograde entry of fungal spores and other unwelcome particles. (please excuse Siri. I had dictated the above statement earlier, and because of the small screen on my iPhone, was unable to see that she typed wine, instead of crock.:grimacing:)

Correct, I use water to seal the air from re-entering. How do you make polish wine using this container? Steps and recipe please

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some notes about fermentation:

  1. for some reason, all the best bacteria for us are facultative anaerobes, that is lactobacilli and bacillus subtilis. By itself not significant, but I note that diseases suppressing bacteria in the soil are the same class. By now both are heavily used in te meat industry to keep these poor animals bellies in good shape… however, tradional kraut fermentation is anaerobic, whereas natto is aerobic.

  2. with anaerobic fermentation (with a airlock or similar device) you force the bacteria to eat the proteins in the substrate, because they can’t access nitrogen otherwise. It so happens that plant toxins are largely proteins, so the detox effect is relatively larger.

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Very interesting