I hope these Siam Jumbo mulberries taste half as good as they look. This little tree was an unrooted stick five months ago. Now it has mulberries as big as 2.5 x 0.75 inch. So far just a mildly sweet taste. If I could dry the tree out a bit they should be sweeter. On a mature tree they should be sweeter. In FL they are reported to have a sweet/tart taste, just what I’d hope for.
My issue growing mulberries is they freeze outside and grow rampantly in the greenhouse. I may need to try both potted and in-ground in the GH.
Thanks cool. I will keep with my figs. Black Prince is another I want to try. I have Oscar growing outside here. And others in containers. Thanks for showing these.
Curious if you were able to keep them growing outside in your zone or if you have to keep them in the greenhouse? Also has the flavor improved since your original post? Seems like this one has huge potential!
Most mulberries here freeze back outside in winter and in spring. They leaf out too early. So, I’m only growing Siam Jumbo in the greenhouse. So far the fruit has been decent but not great. I don’t know if I can do better. But I’m still trying.