Singing Tree Acres 2024?

Does anyone know if Singing Tree has a scionwood catalog for Spring 2024? Can you scan and post? Thanks.


Yes here it is


Awesome! Thanks, Rubus-Chief!

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Got my order from Singing Tree today. It is of adequate quality. Cheers.


Nice, my friend is about 25min west of him. Will see if he can arrange a visit to his orchard. Whats best way to communicate with him, snail mail?

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I think a letter is the only way. He has a ‘Fuji’ apple mutation with green skin, IIRC.
Richard is quite an individualist.

I think the only communication with him is via snail mail, including sending a stamped self addressed envelope for return message. In visiting him last year it seemed like a 1/2 mile drive or so on a pretty rough road (4 wheel drive only unless very dry with a high clearance vehicle). He is definitely an individualist but very knowledgable and willing to share what he knows and does. His “driveway” is on the east side of Turner St. across from the black barn on west side, Oxford, NY. Best of luck.