Single-digit F Cold expected here

We’re looking at three days with lows below 10 F and highs in the teens and twenties. We’ve gotten a little snow with a little more predicted, winds to hit 30+ mph tomorrow. We’re hoping to get a chance to tackle our lawn full of maple leaves before heavy snow comes later on.

We’re pretending that it means we’ll have a mild, early spring …



Im still painting please keep that winter stuff there.


Global cooling?


Sorry Mark. It don’t work that way. We have 1,500,000 square kilometers more ice than in 2016 and more ice than 10 earlier years. It is colder up north and has much more force to push this cold down here.


We’re going to have 3 days of rain, yippy for California.


Had the air conditioning on all day today…3 straight days of record highs in the 70s here in Maine. Lows will be in the 60s again tonight…phew.


Yeah, its up and down…I noticed even Puerto Rico had a ‘cool’ spell lately, so some things are out of place.


I ordered siding and still want to get it up-- I watched a couple of yahoos last year hanging siding when it was just above 0F. I said nope.

Montana is a great place for subzero weather. Its best if it stays there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I would hope so in Montana in November…

Thanks for reminding me Clark, I have some pawpaws to paint this year.


It is 9F right now and the morning just feels crisp and nice. I just need to start wearing gloves for compete comfort. Saturday It was 29F but it most definitely did not feel nice with 45~55MPH winds gusting to 75MPH. The cold i can deal with just fine but the wind and winter darkness i could do without.


Wind’s a killer, and those temps you’re talking about are way below what I call “crisp and nice”!


Glorious, isn’t it…:frowning:

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Keep in mind that it is all a matter of being acclimated, I’m just used to it. Last year visiting my folks for Christmas I could not even turn on the ceiling fan because my dad was cold while I was literally sweating up a storm. On the other hand I have acclimated to hot environments, while in the Army in Texas there was a hot spell with temperatures hitting 110f. I found it weird that we would not run in the mornings when it was just bellow 90f. That would do me in right about now.



I got a day or 2 of work left outside that requires warm temperatures and im moving trying to finish. Drizzle is on its way. Cold front arrives Thursday.


Do people in Alaska ever move to Kodiak Island or a coastal area for the ‘warmer’ winter temps? Looking at the stats, Kodiak Island avg lows are mid 20Fs all winter.


My guess is that temperature would not be the main consideration, it is probably be a distant second to moving away from the crowds and cities. Most people I talk to that move to warmer Alaska environs (like places in the Kenai peninsula) cite this as the main reason. People that cite temperatures as their main reason for relocating usually pick places that do not have Alaska as the last name.


One tomato plant still looks very healthy. Never had any this late in the season. Picked tomatoes from it a few hours ago since we might get frost tonight. It was 77 yesterday. Unusually nice fall so far with coldest night 35.


Having fried green tomatoes tonight…picked earlier. (Freezes expected again Fri. nite).

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I spread a couple of tarps over the inch of snow covering my garlic. We’ll see in March whether that worked!

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