Size of Sung Hui, Rojo Brillante, Inchon

I’m hoping to field graft these three varieties in the next year or two. I’ve got some spots that would be better for relatively smaller kakis and others where I’d like relatively larger kakis. Does anyone know how any of these three compare to other persimmons in terms of how big they naturally get?

The only one of these that I’ve grown is Sung Hui. I purchased it from Edible Landscaping, and my tree died four years after planting. A vigorous grower, but it wasn’t easy to get it to grow upright. It tended to have long drooping branches (almost weeping) and large glossy green leaves with beautiful red fall color. I think all kakis are beautiful trees, but this one seemed particularly ornamental. I had trouble with some larger branches breaking off in storms. The fruit is a bit bigger than my Tecumseh and similar in shape. Sung Hui also tended to get an earlier start in the spring than my other persimmons and got hit harder by late frosts, which I think led to its ultimate demise.