Smith blood orange, no flowers

While my other orange trees seems to have way more flowers my blood orange has only four. Planted only three months apart anyone knows why it might be.

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Recognize the same techniques i use with the bowl in the soil to hold water. Is that California i presume? I realize Kansas is not as dry all the time but droughts are very regular here. We are currently experiencing very wet weather and im extremely thankful. Maybe @Richard can help it looks like one of the areas of his expertise.

My Smith also is slow to start flowering. Mine has been in the ground 2 years, trunk caliper about 1.5”, tree is almost 8’ tall and hasn’t flowered at all. Four Winds told me it was grafted onto Cuban Shaddock, and it is quite vigorous.

Sometimes smaller trees like this put their energy into foliage growth when young, and sometimes into flowers/fruit. Looking at your pics, it appears the tree without flowers is pushing a lot of new leaf growth.

This is arizona, i was concerned about the tree not blooming.

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Good to know so, maybe i wont worry about it as much. I didn’t know anything about gardening, untill i got stuck at home due, to the pandemic with nothing else to do. i took to planting these trees and they have been growing good, i was just concerned about it not having the same flowers but, i guess it’s normal.

Maybe they just take longer, mine has been in my ground about 2 months, i admit i don’t know much about trees. I picked beacuase i saw the trunk was thicker than the other smith blood oranges.