A few pics of some ripe Apple varieties at my Hocking Hills Orchard.
Estonian Wine Apple, Veinioun in Estonian, setting fruit for the first time.
Estonia, 1950. Medium to large fruit with red skin, flesh and cambium.
Raspberry like flavor with crisp flesh
Almata - (South Dakota, 1930’s). A Dr Nels Hansen developed variety. Medium sized fruit with solid red skin and a slight grayish bloom.
Striking watermelon red flesh with a delicious sweet tart berry flavor.
Great for eating fresh, apple sauce and canning. Brix measurement to follow.
Alatau from Kazakhstan. Same ripening time as Almata but smooth skinned and super tart.
And with sold dark red flesh. You can see where the juice stained the paper plate where I cut the apple.
Discovery is an apple variety from England first mentioned in 1949. Thought to be a cross of Worcester Pearmain x Beauty of Bath.
Great fresh flavor that stays crisp longer than most early apples. Slight amount of pink flesh around the outer edge and little through the center of the apple.
A very different sweet flavor, hard to describe. A very popular commercial early season variety in the UK.
Unfortunately, almost over night, the birds wiped out most of the fruit on the two trees full of fruit of this variety that I grow.
So frustrating dealing with birds and deer! Almost wish I could fence in and cover with netting all the fruit trees.