Something seriously wrong with this Asian pear tree

I have a Chojuro Asian pear that has something seriously wrong with it.

A little bit of background… there was formerly an apricot tree in this spot. I bought it in a pot, and it was a large-ish tree from a nursery. A few months after it was planted the leaves became very wilted (nursery said it was transplant shock). A couple years later it just never came out of dormancy and I dug it up and it was obviously planted too deep and had girdling roots (I’ve gotten better at planting trees since then thank god).

Last year I bought this chojuro asian pear from Stark bros and planted it basically in the same spot. A few months later the leaves at the top started turning black, so I cut maybe the top 16” off. It did great all last summer, and I pruned it this winter. It was looking beautiful just a month ago.

We had a late freeze shortly after this picture was taken (probably got down to 27 or 28 degrees). Lost a lot of fruit on my other trees, but not much leaf damage in general.

A week later the all the leaves on this pear wilted and died.

I removed all the leaves, and now it looks like this. :confounded:

Sometimes there is a white mold on it. I’ve been dousing it with neem oil. I’m wondering if there is maybe something fungal in the soil here??? I have no idea what is wrong with this tree. The bark is extremely green/black and shriveled looking.