Sorbomespilus Desertnaja

Ah, I was reading that as multiple varieties of sorbomespilus. I love looking through Sven’s catalog, but customs loves looking through any attempts to get his stuff over here. I think a couple from that page are actually here in the states, just with different names.

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I am not sure if that is original Sorbaronia Desertnaja. Created by Ivan Miciurin ,I got one baby and the leaf look different I am wrong?

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Not sure, better pictures would help. My Desertnaya grafted on hawthorn which is not an ideal rootstock is less toothy. Sorbaronia Desertnaya is the correct name. Apparently, Mespilus germanica wasn’t involved in the cross.

It doesn’t look like sorbus to me.

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This one looks like one of the crataegosorbus hybrids. The leafs are fun to observe when grown from seed. It is as if the plsnts couldn’t decide, if they are hawthorn or rowan.
It looks more like my Granatnaja or perhaps Burka. Or something else. The number of hybrids is pretty steep when you get to search Russian sites.

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Btw. this Ukrainian scientist says it’s all wrong and all of Michurin’s hybrids are sorboaronia.

There is no such plant as crataegosorbus. The correct name is Sorbaronia x fallax “Granatnaya” and here it is:

Also Sorbaronia x fallax “Burka” shows no resemblance:

The plant in question is most alike Hedlundia hybrida (formerly Sorbus hybrida) which is not edible but may serve as a good rootstock:

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Yes, well… There is definitely a great mess in the naming in the whole promiscuous sorbus genus (scientific and commercial). Wonder how that came about…

I understand, that the lobing in whatever the current name of a particular hybrid comes originally from sorbus. But I’m more than happy to just enjoy the taste of the fruit (rather than taxonomic gulash)… And also enjoy waiting to see what becomes of the seedlings of my Granatnaja grown right next to sorbus aucuparia, Nero x aronias and the neighbour’s cormus domestica.

As for the resemblance, I was referring to Rareplanter’s pic.

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Well and mine what it is ?

It’s probably guesswork without fruit. Also, it’s somewhat easier to distinguish between mature leaves (yours are still very fresh).
I would bet 20 cents that yours looks more like Granatnaja than Burka which I think has fewer lobes and somewhat rounder tips, but it seems that punk is not dead - it lives in these hybrids… Look at the variation in one of my granatnaja 's leaves:

There are many more ‘varieties’ (if the expression actually applies here) it could be. Wait and see?