Sorbomespilus Desertnaja

Does anyone have this hybrid or know anything about it? I’m finding it nearly impossible to find information in English relating to it, let alone a possible source for it stateside. All I could find is that it’s a cross between Sorbaronia “Ivan’s Beauty” and Medlar, and apparently of better taste than most of the Sorbus hybrids, being very sweet and tasty, with no mention in the document of any bitterness or astringency (or excessive sourness). I tried to upload the document per se, but the phone’s not having it (and my computer’s fried right now).


I have a good friend who bought one this winter at Carya Nursery


I checked them out, and they’re quite far, over in Poland. Is your friend in the USA? They look like a good source, but the website states the minimum order is 100 trees, which is bit much at the moment. They also have “Titan”, which I’m also interested in, and I found a seedless medlar in their stock that’s apparently tops for taste.

Will your friend be propagating them for sale or trade? I’d like to add myself to the list, if that’s the case. :wink:

No, he isn’t in america. But in France, like me.
I sent me a scionwood of pyronia and crataegus from this nursery.
He may be able to exchange scionwood. But for the moment the tree is young.
He did not by 100 trees, I would just say 10

Oh… I misinterpreted. I’m guessing PLM is the currency, not “plants”? :sweat_smile:

Can scionwood be attempted as a cutting, to root plainly? I don’t have any rootstocks at the moment, and truthfully I’ve never attempted a graft in my life. If I could get the scions to root as cuttings, that would be ideal.

I don’t think that this cutting.
I think I remember it’s grafted on sorbus aucuparia

I phone today. It’s well grafted on sorbus aucuparia.
He don’t think this variety this cuttings.
He told me it’s vert rare and he just bouht it for the bee.

Alright then. I’m not sure they’ll send overseas, but I’ll try the Nursery myself, just in case. Thanks!

Has this tree managed to make it stateside yet? I’ve managed to learn of it, but have not found it anywhere I seem to be able to order it from.

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Haven’t seen it yet. I contacted the nursery, they don’t ship overseas. I’m still keen on growing it.


After sampling the fruit at my friend’s nursery I have decided that I must have it. So good it was!
So here is my Desertnaja grafted onto mountain ash…according to a breeder Michurin it should be no higher than 1.5 - 2m high which is perfect for harvest. Sorry, no fruit on a picture I could not help gobbling it up.


We gotta find a way to get these in the Americas, it sounds like quite an underrated fruit.


I’m thinking to get it… I can send you scions later

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That’d be much appreciated my friend! :grin:

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I don’t forget what you have done for me… :blush:

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What variety do you want?

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I’ve poked a couple bears this year. I keep looking.

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Pm sent. :slightly_smiling_face:

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How many varieties are there? I thought there was only the one.

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There are more hybrids…

Intergeneric Hybrids - hardy fruit trees for orchards - Carya nursery (

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