Sour cherry leafspot suceptibility notes

We have been trying a number of different varieties of Cherry, mostly sours here in northern vt
Leafspot has been problematic, and this year conditions were"perfect" for promoting it. I keep the orchard organically, and presently have used nothing but sulfur as fungicide and that really just on apples and occasionally plums. While I do clean up and destroy infected leaf litter, several of the cherries are located in brushy areas where that is unrealistic and so I am sure local spring I oculus has been growing steadily
Anyhow, I thought others might find this list of relative susceptibility useful…all trees showed infection by seasons end, many complete defoliation by late summer. Ranking demonstrates a mixture of how early infection showed, and how severe it ultimately became.

From most susceptible to least

Mesabi-not actually present this year as we lost both trees to complete early defoliation in years past. Well before other varieties saw significant damageCould possibly be related to the fact they were grafted onto native pin cherry in brushy locations

Danube-on same trees as mesabi, lost early but may not be indicative of its suceptibility

Sumadinka-first tree of season to show damage, complete defoliation by late summer, except for a graft of black gold which held leaves to fall but did show infection. Also showed severe infection previous year…too bad it’s a nice cold hardy cherry with good depth of flavor, and consistent heavy fruit set

jubilium-just a few weeks behind sumadinka, but has not been too bad years past

Surefire-50% defoliate by late summer, maybe 25%leaves still held by fall

Garfield plantation-held most leaves till end but looking awfully ratty. also in. A brushy location making difficult to clean old leaves seasonally

Evans/Bali-about the same as Garfield

Carmine jewel about same as garfield

Black gold-two grafts on different trees both held up well, no surprise as sweets are known less susceptible.

White gold-showed very little sign