My Southern Home has some good competition that I recently planted but they are two years behind this one. My newer additions are leafing out a little slower than the SH so I’m curious if the bloom time will be different. I’m really excited about my newbies Supreme, Black Beauty, and Lane. I sampled all three last year and they are great tasting.
I just put Lane, Supreme, Darlene, and Triumph in the ground yesterday. I have Black Beauty, Fry, Cowart in ground from last year. Fry is greening up pretty good. Then Cowart and Black Beauty is bringing up the end with only buds swelling.
Beautiful setting. You probably already know this that the pictured vine should give you a good sample of fruit this year.
I hope I get some samples anyway. I didn’t get them planted last year until May last year but I did get them to the wire. Very few spurs though.
Just ordered some of the Plus Size from Ison’s and a couple of them I tied down the wire from planting yesterday. Nice vines.
They will fruit even the small newly planted ones. I have never planted most of the ones you have and some of them might have perfect flowers. I know that the Lane is self pollinating and assuming it flowers it could pollinate the others this year unless you decide to prune it heavy.
Triumph, Lane, and Cowart are all pollinators. However last year late in the year I had one grape show up on my Black Beauty with no time to ripen. Since this BB was purchased at Walmart I’m a little leary… there was a Cowart near but I didn’t see any blooms in the Cowart. I guess I’ll find out this summer. I based my purchases mostly on another thread where you guys were discussing taste so I hope I got some good ones. We have just gone crazy with them but I’m actually hoping eventually to take some to our local market.
I have another one but I don’t know what it is…I think it will be a green or bronze from the color of the leaves. It was given to me so I had to buy another that was a pollinator and that one turned out not to be a pollinator so I got another…and then saw the Black Beauty and wanted that one. Soooo… my husband wanted to put in another trellis this year and get more. I hope we will have a few to sell. I sure plan to eat a bunch of them and juice and jelly… and etc
I am amazed…I have blooms starting…
Fry, Cowart, Black Beauty all have very small bloom pods. @Auburn you said they would fruit…
I have a few clusters on my Southern Home getting ripe now but most are not ready yet. They are bigger and sweeter this season. It has rained more this year and I fertilized more so I’m assuming these to factors improved the taste and size but I really don’t know. Very good when they start to soften.
Most of my small crop of Lane have turned black and a few have softened to an awesome tasting fruit. No problem eating it, peeling and all minus the seeds. My two Black Beauty fruits are now getting larger so they might get the larger size I’m looking for. In theory muscadines can reach full production in three year but I’m a little behind this expectation. Glad to here yours are doing well.
Still have a few bunches ripening