I have a low chill euro pear – Spadona di Salerno – which I puchased from Arboreum a few years back. Does anyone know if it’s self fertile? If not, can anyone recommend a good pollenizer – it tends to bloom a lot later than my other low chill pears here in Phoenix.
I hope I will be able to help this year. My Spadona is old enough to bloom but we really haven’t had much chill at all this year. If it does I may be able to tell you what it blossums with. If not maybe next year.
Thanks. I have a feeling that Comice would be a good one, but, of course I lost mine to fireblight a few years ago.
Never heard of this pear. Low chill yet late blossoms sounds good for Dallas. Any idea how it does with Fireblight?
I’m hoping mine will bloom for the first time this year so I don’t have any idea for blight tolerance. My honest guess is that it isn’t going to have great blight tolerance but who knows. I really doubt it has been tested for blight tolerance very thoroughly. I’ll report on how mine does for sure.
Ok, I’ll let you be the pioneer for this one!
No problem! I know you have pioneered plenty of varieties already so I’m happy to be the Guinea pig on this one.
Well I don’t have any flowers on my Spadona di salerno again this year. Getting a little frustrated with this one. I grafted it over seven years ago and still no blooms. It leafs out early and quick so it isn’t lack of chill. Perhaps the Callery rootstock is too vigorous or maybe it’s just a tardy bearer.
Wild, pears can take several (like 5) years to flower, so don’t give up, yet. This is a really nice, nice cultivar. At one time, one of the most popular cultivars in Italy, in the southwestern area of Italy (Campagnia region). It is a summer pear, it ripens on the tree, and is a reliable bearer. I seriously considered planting one, but had a hard time finding the cultivar. I have a calendar reminder to order from Arboreum this next bare root season, so adding this cultivar to my list of trees to try to order (if available). I would ask Arboreum if they know what cross pollinator might be a good choice. I know for me, some of my early summer pears like Pineapple, Juignos and Citrone de Carmes would probably be better pollinator choices, as these are my earlier bloomers. Pineapple is done blooming and has fruit set. Jiugnos is blooming now, and Citrone de Carmes is starting to bloom. Comice is a later pear, mine is still quite dormant.
Patty S.
Thank you for the great info Patty. Yes I’m having to learn to be patient for sure. It’s funny because in Austin almost all pears I planted would fruit in the third leaf even Magness! Not so here in Dallas. I have always wondered if the terrible rocky soil and high summer heat reduced vigor and helped early fruit set. I have also heard that the true European types have a rep for being slow. I have a few random early bloomers that I got from the Houston area that I think will pollinate it( if it ever blooms that is) as they break dormancy at exactly the same time. Yes it sounds like such an outstanding fruit I am hoping it will get with it soon. It isnt in a bad place or anything so I will give it a few more chances. Next winter I would be happy to send scion if you remind me.
Thanks, Drew. I’ll be interested to see how it does for you. If Arboreum doesn’t have it next bare root season, I’ll PM you. Appreciate the offer. I’d be happy to swap pear scions, just let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll PM you my pear cultivars.
7 years. Too long for an old guy like me! Glad you were the pioneer here in Dallas
Sounds like it might be a good candidate for top working onto something else. Nothing wrong with a kieffer spadona di salerno pear in 3 years.
Yeah Bob I took one for the team on this one! I’ll let you know if it gets around to doing anything.
Agree Clarkinks. I want to keep the Spadona going but nothing wrong with making a variety tree and I think I may head in that direction next year.
While we’re talking pears for Dallas, Harrow Sweet ( year 2, and year 3) and Green Jade ( year 6) have lots of flowers, we’ll see what happens
Harrow Sweet sure sounds awesome. Green Jade is one that’s been on my radar for awhile don’t know why I never tried that one. I have been surprised that some of my pears are getting a good full bloom the weather has been so mild I didnt think we got much chill at all. I’m anxious to see how your trees make it this year!
What became of the Spadona Di Salerno? This pear has me intrigued. Hoping your going to say it flowered.
It’s starting to flower now, although my Kieffer hybrid – Waddell (a sport of Kieffer that grows well in Phoenix and actually tastes good) and Spalding have been in full bloom for the last week. It’s actually been living in a 15 gal pot since January of 2016, having decided to bring it with me when I bought my current home because it was too rare to just leave it. Despite the size, it survived the transplantation and actually put on some growth in the Phoenix heat in a modified Miracle Gro potting mixture. Will take a pic tomorrow.
I also looked into cultivation practices of the Spadona in Israel, where it’s grown commercially. It’s pretty clear it requires a pollenizer. Just didn’t have time this winter to seek out pear scions to graft.